Acupuncture Specialist in Phoenix and Peoria, AZ
Common Questions Asked by Patients: What does acupuncture do? What symptoms does acupuncture help? What are the 3 benefits of acupuncture?
Acupuncture involves inserting needles into the body to stimulate sensory nerves in the skin and muscles. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical technique for relieving pain, curing disease, and improving general health. Visit Mountain View Headache and Spine Institute today to get comprehensive and specialized care. For more information, contact us today or schedule an appointment online. We have convenient locations to serve you in Phoenix, AZ, Peoria, AZ and Union Hills Phoenix, AZ. We serve patients in Phoenix AZ, Peoria AZ, Union Hills Phoenix, AZ, Sun City AZ, Scottsdale AZ, Glendale AZ, Tempe AZ, Waddell AZ, Paradise Valley AZ, and BEYOND!
Additional Services You May Like
▸ Acupuncture
▸ Chiropractic Therapy
▸ Chronic Pain
▸ Epidural Injections
▸ Headaches
▸ IV Therapy
▸ Ketamine Therapy
▸ Low Back Pain
▸ Natural Therapy
▸ Post Herpetic Neuralgia (Shingles)
▸ Neck Pain
▸ Nerve Blocks
▸ Nutraceuticals
▸ Super Concentrated Plasma
▸ Radiofrequency Ablation
▸ Bone Marrow Concentrate
▸ Regenexx
▸ Sciatica
▸ Spinal Cord Stimulator
▸ Sport Injuries
Additional Services You May Like
▸ Acupuncture
▸ Chiropractic Therapy
▸ Chronic Pain
▸ Epidural Injections
▸ Headaches
▸ IV Therapy
▸ Ketamine Therapy
▸ Low Back Pain
▸ Natural Therapy
▸ Post Herpetic Neuralgia (Shingles)
▸ Neck Pain
▸ Nerve Blocks
▸ Nutraceuticals
▸ Super Concentrated Plasma
▸ Radiofrequency Ablation
▸ Bone Marrow Concentrate
▸ Regenexx
▸ Sciatica
▸ Spinal Cord Stimulator
▸ Sport Injuries