Comprehensive Fibromyalgia Treatment DOCTORS in Phoenix and Peoria, AZ

How do you know if you have fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is typically diagnosed based on widespread pain lasting more than three months, along with other symptoms such as fatigue, sleep disturbances, and cognitive issues. A healthcare provider can perform a thorough evaluation to confirm the diagnosis.

What does fibromyalgia feel like?
People with fibromyalgia often describe it as a constant, widespread ache or tenderness throughout the body. It can also be accompanied by stiffness, headaches, and sensitivity to touch.

What are usually the first signs of fibromyalgia?
The early signs often include persistent muscle pain, extreme fatigue, and difficulty concentrating (often called “fibro fog”). These symptoms may develop gradually or after a triggering event such as illness, injury, or stress.

At Mountain View Headache & Spine Institute, we specialize in providing expert fibromyalgia treatment. Our dedicated team works with you to create a personalized plan to manage chronic pain and enhance your quality of life.

We proudly serve patients in Phoenix, Peoria, Union Hills Phoenix, Sun City, Scottsdale, Glendale, Tempe, Waddell, Paradise Valley, Arizona, and beyond. Contact us today or book your appointment online for compassionate and comprehensive fibromyalgia care.

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(602) 767-0007